About Us

My journey with CBD started a couple of years ago. At that time, after finding out about my cancer and undergoing treatment, I learned about using medicinal CBD to help with side effects of chemo and radiation therapy. I did not end up using it then, but my research into marijuana opened my eyes – it’s not just something the kids use to get high!

When California passed Proposition 64 in November 2016, legalizing recreational marijuana use for adults 21 years and older, I decided to try CBD for better sleep at night. To my surprise, instead of the constant waking up that had plagued me since the illness, I slept through the night the first time in a while. I was immediately sold on the benefits of CBD.

When I left high-tech corporate world for consulting work, business was fine until the pandemic hit. The consulting work dried up overnight. It was just as well because my son started virtual schooling at home. As you can imagine, working full-time at home with a six-year-old was impossible.

It was under such a confluent of life events that propelled me to start Blue Pavilion. Our mission is to bring CBD into the mainstream beauty and wellness lifestyles. With an e-commerce store, such products can still be enjoyed by those who are interested without leaving the safety and comfort of your home.

Blue Pavilion team

We are a small team but we are 100% dedicated to your experience with CBD. Let us be part of your self-care journey.